Word For It. . .

2Chronicles7:14-“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Hispanics and the 2008 Election: A Swing Vote?

Posted by wordforit on January 15, 2008

Calling an illegal alien an

“Undocumented immigrant”

is like calling a drug dealer an

“Unlicensed pharmacist”

A segment with interviews and general discussion was on PBS recently and I would say the reporter has an ax to grind. The report (still trying to locate a link) very strongly inflected an accusatory tone in that Americans better be careful about securing borders. The remarks were specifically directed toward elections. . . I seriously doubt it was an unbiased report, but it is another factor of which to be aware.

Why is it, when people do not get their way with our laws, the United States is treated like a parent with children screaming, “I hate you! You don’t love me! I never get what I want!”? It amazes me, the amount of “accommodating” that goes on. With our money, without our knowledge much of the time. 

Is that why most politicians, with the exception of Congressman Ron Paul, have been dancing around the subject of immigration? I saw Dr. Paul’s commercials back-to-back the same day on other channels. Hey! One just played and it covers at least 4 topics—I don’t even have to look up; just listen for the word “Constitution“!  

I have read on blogs and elsewhere that folks are not taking immigration seriously. Have you heard of LaRaza? Have you visited http://www.immigrationcounters.com/ ? You can watch the ticker as another money order is sent through, the cost of social services and cost of incarcerations. Illegal immigrant crime/incarcerations are exceptionally high and law enforement are stymied in many situations.

Example of ImmigrationCounter report:   “WASHINGTON, DC – Report cites projected $6 billion a year cost for antiquated “Anchor Baby” program.”

Much to consider. . .   

Interesting to find what the Pew Hispanic Center has to offer in reports and factsheets regarding immigration, money transfers, the Hispanic vote and so on.

Participating and learning more actively in this particular election has piqued my curiosity in many directions and Pew has quite a bit of information for anyone else with a desire to know about this certain aspect. I recommend to at least skim some of these reports.


Pew Hispanic Center:

…”Hispanics are the nation’s largest and fastest growing minority group; at 46 million strong, they make up about 15% of the U.S. population. Their electoral clout continues to be undercut, however, by the fact that many are ineligible to vote, either because they are not citizens or not yet 18 years old. In 2008, Latinos will comprise about 9% of the eligible electorate nationwide. If past turnout trends persist, they will make up only about 6.5% of those who actually turn out to vote next November”…

by: Paul Taylor and Richard Fry

Links will open in new windows.

Full Report: http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=83

Research by Topic: http://pewhispanic.org/topics/

Related Reports and Factsheets: http://pewhispanic.org/topics/index.php?TopicID=16

May God Help Us.

3 Responses to “Hispanics and the 2008 Election: A Swing Vote?”

  1. […] odale wrote an interesting post today on https://wordforit.wordpress.com Here’s a quick excerptCalling an illegal alien an “Undocumented immigrant” is like calling a drug dealer an “Unlicensed pharmacist” A segment with interviews and general discussion was on PBS recently and I would say the reporter has an ax to grind. The report (still trying to locate a link) very strongly inflected an accusatory tone in that Americans better be careful about securing borders. The remarks were specifically directed toward elections. . . I seriously doubt it was an unbiased report, but it is another factor of which to be aware. Why is it, when people do not get their way with our laws, the United States is treated like a parent with children screaming, “I hate you! You don’t love me! I never get what I want!”? It amazes me, the amount of “accommodating” that goes on. With our money, without our knowledge much of the time.  Is that why most politicians, with the exception of Congressman Ron Paul, have been dancing around the subject of […] […]

  2. […] Odale wrote an interesting post today on Hispanics and the 2008 Election: A Swing Vote?Here’s a quick excerptCalling an illegal alien an “Undocumented immigrant” is like calling a drug dealer an “Unlicensed pharmacist” A segment with interviews and general discussion was on PBS recently and I would say the reporter has an ax to grind. … […]

  3. timbob said

    Greetings. This is a different subject, and yet it ties in with the undocumented immigrant problem. For about two years, there have been reports of Mexican military personnel crossing out southern border. Up until recently, most of this reporting was found only on World Net Daily, Coast to Coast, and the like. Last week, it came up on CNN. One can only wonder at the “behind-the-scenes” dealings in which an act of literal “invasion” by another country is allowed to continue unabated.

    Not to mention the border patrol agents who are in prison for shooting a drug smuggler, the rampant violence along the border, and a host of other activities too numerous to mention. As for the “undocumented immigrants” (clever term) combined with electronic voting, one could say “let the irregularities begin.” Very few have an understanding of how serious this is and it seems that, insofar as main stream reporting, only Lou Dobbs touches on it regularly.

    These are strange times with stranger ones on the way.

    Have a blessed evening in Jesus who is our life and peace in the midst of these perilous times.


    You’re right on target with the subject at a different angle, Good Brother. I feel exactly the same as you…how is that ‘we’ know but when listening to or watching MSM news, it’s so superficial as to not be news at all.

    Can you imagine living on the border with illegals coming over your fence? Desperate people are dangerous to begin with. There’s a story in the ImmigrationCounters link about an illegal who became ill in jail (Colorado) and the lawyers managed to win him 1.5 million dollars! Illegal, in jail, 1.5 million. Doesn’t make sense. LaRaza wants a revolution and our government is tying our hands? What these individuals have done and are doing is treasonous!

    There’s so much mind control going on and fighting for the most outrageous “rights”. What’s right is wrong and what’s wrong is right. . .

    Totally off-topic (but it’s all really the same—“no new thing under the sun”), I read that Hillary sent a flyer to SC residents postulating that her pro-choice stance is more valid and stronger than Obama’s (and she never flip-flopped;-) and I thought, “What a strange idea. I am more for killing babies than you are. Na-na-na-na-na.” Have a post started with verses in which God says He knows us “from the womb” and need to get it finished. I’m so behind in what people will do that I was unaware that if a baby survives an abortion, they “kill it again”. That was a big to-do with Obama voting ‘yea’. How can they stand to be in their heads?

    It’s wild, amazing, unbelievable, unfathomable, and you’ve got me thinking I need to start putting some ‘fear not’ verses at the end of each post. I know you’re like me in watching these things—waiting for the next episode of prophecy to reveal itself. With things the way they are, and people fighting for the “right” to impose debauchery on those of us who do not want to get in the quagmire, I don’t see why anyone would expect God to continue Blessing America. He promised to get us out before no one is left standing, so I’m faithful and all-to-happy to stand firm in His promises.

    Looking forward to worshipping and celebrating with you, timbob! God’s Blessings on You and Yours.

    btw, it’s good to see you out & about!! ;-))

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